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You can now register for the 2nd Annual Meeting of the 3R-Competence Network NRW! Click the button below to visit the event page for more information and registration.

3R Competence Network NRW

In spring 2022, the eight medical faculties of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia formed the 3R Competence Network NRW. The aim of this state-wide network is to harmonize biomedical research and medical progress in NRW with the best possible animal welfare. The network is focused on the "3Rs principle": replace, reduce and refine.

With establishing 3R centers, creating a platform for inter- and transdisciplinary exchange as well as expanding the range of training and further education, the 3R competence network creates new synergies. The network promotes 3R research in NRW as a catalyst for innovation in animal welfare. Objective public relations work on animal experiments and progress in the 3R field complements the range of tasks of the 3R Competence Network.

The office, which has been active since August 2022, is located at the Medical Dean's Office of the Rheinische Friedrichs-Wilhelm-Universität Bonn and takes care of the strategic, administrative and communicative tasks of the 3R Competence Network. It is also the central point of contact for all concerns of the network members and for the interested public. Coordinators at the eight partner locations support the work of the office.

Current events

  • DPZ | VTK Seminar 2024 - Gnotobioten/Isolatoren

    Public event


    Modality: Online

  • 3RCC | Successfully Implementing NAMs: Practical applications in drug development and clinical practice

    Public event

    Modality: On-site

    UniS Building | University of Bern
    Schanzeneckstrasse 1
    3012 Bern
  • ICAR3R & VZET | Alternative approaches to One Health research for humans and animals in focus - epithelial barriers

    Public event


    Modality: On-site

    Aula der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
    Ludwigstraße 23
    35390 Gießen


Fallstudien, Gruppenarbeit bei dem Ethik Workshop 2024

Internal, Research, Advanced and Continuing Education

Ethical Horizons in Animal Research Explored at the 3R Workshop NRW

— On November 14, this year's 3R workshop NRW “Ethical aspects in animal experiments - a practical introduction” took place on the Venusberg campus of the University Hospital Bonn. Interested researchers from NRW came together for this workshop to discuss key ethical issues in basic animal-based biomedical research and to further strengthen responsible research on animals.

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Eingang des Universitätsklinikum Essen

Internal, Research, Advanced and Continuing Education

CAM Model Highlighted as a 3R Method at 3R Symposium NRW

— The 3R Symposium NRW, held on August 28th in Essen, featured the presentation of the CAM model as a key method for reducing and replacing animal testing in scientific research.

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Die Zwischenergebnisse unserer Mitmach-Umfrage „Wie gut sind Sie über Tierversuche und Ersatzmethoden informiert?“ sind dargestellt. Viele Besucher:innen haben sich für „Nicht gut informiert“ und „Ich weiß es nicht“ entschieden.

Internal, Media

Speaking of animal research, animal welfare and the 3R-principle at the 14th Bonn’s Science Night

— The 3R Competence Network NRW informed citizens, school pupils and representatives of the city of Bonn about animal research, its alternatives and other 3R methods in biomedical research at the two-day event.

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