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    BfR-Stakeholder Forum | "Nicht verwendete Versuchstiere – „Überschuss“ oder Notwendigkeit?"

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    TARCforce 3R - How to improve dialogue facilitation between caretakers, AWB, scientists and publics across the Animal Research

  • Warum ist die Translation der Kardioprotektion so schwierig?

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    1st Annual Meeting of 3R-Competence Network North Rhine-Westphalia

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    BIH Webinar Series | "Meta-Research Methods: Creating dashboards to communicate institutional performance on responsible research practices"

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    BIH Online Course | "Introduction to Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis of Animal Studies"

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    Course | Introduction to Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis of Animal Studies

  • 3R – Competence Colloquium NRW | To dig or not to dig? Marble digging behavior as an indicator of post-operative pain in the mouse

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    3R-Network BW Webinar | "Organ-on-Chip Technology: Current State & future Opportunities"

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    UK Organ-on-a-Chip Technologies Network Symposium 2023

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    ZHA Webinar | "Pain Recognition and Analgesia in Zebrafish"

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    TARCforce 3R | "Soziales Lernen in Mausgruppen"

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    Webinar | "Evaluating machine learning models and their diagnostic value

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    TARCforce 3R - Mice learning in social interaction and consequences for welfare and data quality

  • Zellkulturmodelle in der Schmerzforschung - Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Limitationen

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    International Forum on Cell Manufacturing & Engineering - Berlin 2023

  • 3R – Competence Colloquium NRW | iBehave FabLab and Makerspace: A platform for fast prototyping of behavioral hardware

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    3R Online-Seminar Series | Alternatives to animal use in research and education – Refine, Reduce & Replace

  • Online Talk | Tools for Reduction of Laboratory Animals in Biomedical Research

  • 3R-Symposium NRW | New Approaches in Organoid Research for Replacement

  • Tunnel- und Cup-Handling: Schonender Umgang mit der Labormaus

  • 3R – Competence Colloquium NRW | Effective Strategies for Sensible Planning and Selective Breeding of Laboratory Mice

  • Event for the symposium Models and Insights in Translational Research | New Trends in Biomedical Research

  • Symposium | Models and Insights in Translational Research

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    TARCforce 3R - „Monitoring von Stress und Wohlergehen bei Labortieren“

  • 3R – Competence Colloquium NRW | Humanized mice and 3R’s applications for preclinical testing

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    EUROoCS Summer School

  • LIMES-WiS Seminar Series | "Organoids in drug development" & "Complex murine and human organoid systems to model pulmonary diseases"

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    60th Annual Meeting of the Society for Laboratory Animal Science GV-SOLAS and 21st Advanced Training Course of the IGTP

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    12th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences

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    TARCforce 3R - Handling and training of mice for low stress procedures

  • 3R – Competence Colloquium NRW | The laboratory animal technician in animal experimental research: training, profession, collaboration with experimenters, animal house managers and veterinarians.

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    Meet & Greet | Cologne

  • Bf3R Seminar | Can understanding animal welfare help improve the replicability and translatability of biomedical research?

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    Lunchtalk | Launch of Scicomm-Support: A New Point of Contact for Science

  • Alternativverfahren für Tierversuche

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    TARCforce 3R - Maternaler-, prä- und perinataler Stress: Der Vogel als exzellentes Modell zur Untersuchung von Langzeitfolgen

  • Ringvorlesung Just.Us+Tierschutz des 3R-Zentrums ICAR3R

  • Workshop | Write My Protocol

  • 3R-Network BW Webinar #Talking3RScience – Special Edition

  • Laboratory Animal Science Colloquium by MHH | Animal experiments - The EU phase-out petition

  • Ringvorlesung Just.Us+Tierschutz des 3R-Zentrums ICAR3R

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    2nd Microphysiological Systems World Summit Berlin

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    EUROoCS Academy – Hands-on Training Workshop

  • Veranstaltung des Bundesnetzwerks 3R

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    TARCforce 3R -The principles of rigorous and reproducible animal research

  • Die Tötung von Versuchstieren aus rechtlicher Sicht

  • Laboratory Animal Science Colloquium by MHH | Routine sample genotyping and standardized designation of genotypes in laboratory animals

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    Webinar Series | Creating the right environment for animal care

  • 3R – Kompetenzkolloquium NRW: 6. Juni

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    Improving experimental design

  • Laboratory Animal Science Colloquium by MHH | Neues Tierarzneimittelrecht – Konsequenzen für die Versuchstierhaltung

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    Bonn Organoid Club: Complex lung organoids systems to model development and disease in vitro

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    3R-Network BW Webinar #Talking3RScience

  • Ringvorlesung Just.Us+Tierschutz des 3R-Zentrums ICAR3R

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    TARCforce 3R- The digital biomarker journey in preclinical research: opportunities, barriers and future developments.

  • 3R – Competence Colloquium NRW: May 9th

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    3R-Kompetenzkolloquium - Wiederholungstermin 27.04.2023

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    3R-Network BW Webinar #Talking3RScience

  • Ringvorlesung Just.Us+Tierschutz des 3R-Zentrums ICAR3R

  • 3R: Kompetenzkolloquium NRW: „Reproduzierbarkeit, Wiederholungen und adaptive Designs in präklinischen Studien“

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    TARCforce 3R -“It takes a village” - the shared responsibility in an establishment for the reliability and relevance of animal experiments

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    Organoids in Drug Development

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    3R-Network BW Webinar: "Systems biology: Can Computer Models of Metabolism provide Targets for new Therapies?"

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    Die wilde Hausmaus - Aspekte einer ungewöhnlichen Labortierhaltung

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    3R-Network BW Webinar: „Beyond the 3Rs: Why Academia must zero in on human-relevant Replacement Methods„

  • 3R – Kompetenzkolloquium NRW: 7. März

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    29. Essener Informationstreffen für Tierschutzbeauftragte, Tierexperimentatoren und mit Tierversuchen befasste Behördenvertreter

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    TARCforce 3R - Measuring chronic stress in animal studies

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    Bonn Organoid Club - Dissecting Cancer-Microbiome Interactions with Organoids and Organs-on-Chips

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    Stereotypien bei Versuchstieren

  • 3R – Kompetenzkolloquium NRW: 7. Februar

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    Informationsveranstaltung zur Förderung von„Alternativmethoden zum Tierversuch“

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    Just.Us: Tierschutz aus Sicht eines Strafrechtlers, Prof. Dr. Jens Bülte

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    Webinar: Cardiorespiratory phenotyping in rats at exercise using jacketed telemetry

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    3R-Network BW Webinar - In situ Monitoring of 3D Cell Cultures

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    Just.Us: Tierschutz aus Sicht eines Pferdechirurgen, Prof. Dr. Michael Röcken

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    Recognizing cumulative endpoints in mice helps us improve animal welfare and data quality

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    Virtual Demonstration | Experimental Design Assistant