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Dr. Carlijn Hooijmans

Dr. Carlijn Hooijmans

Assistant Professor

Meta-research team at Radboud University Medical Center

Dr. Carlijn Hooijmans, an assistant professor within the meta-research team at Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, brings over a decade of experience as a methodologist in preclinical meta research.
She has been working at SYRCLE (SYstematic Review Centre for Laboratory animal Experimentation) since 2010, and contributed to the Dutch national coordinating center of CAMARADES for many years. Carlijn is skilled in supporting, advancing and undertaking systematic reviews and meta analyses of preclinical research and she strives to improve research rigour and transparency via various projects and training programs.
She is the driving force behind several national and international collaborations, including the GRADE project group for animal studies, initiator of PROSPERO4animals, while also being an active member of the ChampAIons and iRISE consortia. (ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6435-5714)

Dr. Kim Wever

Assistant Professor

Meta-research team at Radboud University Medical Center

Dr. Kim Wever (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3635-3660) is an assistant professor at the meta-research team of the Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. She has a strong skillset in meta-research methodology and applies this to undertake, advance and supervise systematic reviews and meta-analyses of clinical and preclinical research, and to support projects and training programs to improve research rigour and transparency. She has been in the Dutch national coordinating centre of CAMARADES since 2014 and previously worked at SYRCLE for about 10 years. She is co-founder and board member of PROSPERO4animals, preclinicaltrials.eu and GoEQIPD, and member of the ChampAIons and iRISE consortia.
Institutional link: Meta-research


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